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ASEAN Festival

On 11 October 2014,

The ASEAN festival was held at Hollywood University in Roppongi. Student groups from 10 nations under ASEAN all congregated and worked together in order to create this spectacular event for everyone to come enjoy and experience the tip of the surface of what it’s like to be part of the ASEAN community.

As SSAJ, we served one of our signature Singaporean dishes Chili Crab with noodles, sponsored by Prima Deli!

Chili Crab

How we did it: The venue did not allow us to cook the noodles/have any grills and had many other constrictions. So… What we did was to 1. Cook all the noodles and taogay on the morning of the festival at Bryan’s dormitory 2. Put all the noodles and taogay and other cut vegetables and crabsticks into plastic bags 3. Transport the noodles to Roppongi by taxi 4. Use RICE COOKERS with water in them to re-heat noodles when necessary. 5. Showcase our Singapore pride and not-shyness when bragging about and selling our food

We had some of our lovely lady volunteers wear outfits that represent the multiculturalism that is Singapore. I must say that they did help boost out sales by quite a bit!

We also had a duet by Royce on the piano and Yvonne who did Singapore songs as part of the ASEAN talent contest.

Overall, the event was a lot of fun, and I would personally like to thank all the volunteers who came down early in the morning and on the day itself to help us out. We couldn’t have done it without you!



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