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SSAJ Annual General Meeting 2017

AGM 2017

Thank you everyone for attending the AGM last Saturday! We hope you’ve enjoyed the food and the atmosphere.

Also, do look forward to our new EXCO for the 2017-2018 term! In case you’ve missed out, the line-up is as follows:

President: Sarah Goh

Vice-President 1: Vanessa How

Vice-President 2: Teo Shu De

Public Relations Officer: Natalie Lim

Treasurer: Seo Kai Hsin

Secretary: Oh Yong Ting 


Date: 3rd June 2017, Saturday

Time: 11-2pm (Lunch + AGM)

Venue: The Singapore Embassy in Tokyo (Minato-ku, Roppongi 5-12-3)

Dress Code: Smart-casual



Please sign up to attend the meeting by 31st May 2359.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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